Athena Baptist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
A Church Alive is Worth the Drive!



"So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another." Romans 12:5

How do I Join?
At the conclusion of each worship service, the pastor extends an invitation to those seeking a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and/or to those seeking membership. Those who desire to respond are asked to walk to the front of the worship center where the Pastor will be waiting to greet them.

Membership is open to anyone who has made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Athena Baptist receives people into membership in one of four ways:
  1. Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior and being baptized by immersion
  2. If you have already accepted Jesus, but have not been baptized by immersion, then by following Him in believer's baptism
  3. Transfer of membership by letter from another Baptist church of like faith stating you have been baptized by immersion
  4. Statement of having previously accepted Christ and experienced baptism by immersion as a member of another Baptist or Bible believing church

Church Membership Means Responsibility...
First... Faithfulness
No church can be truly strong unless its members show spiritual strength and faithfulness. Very few things mean more to the spirit and life of a church than for its members to be faithful. God expects it of us! He has every right to expect it since He has invited us with His own precious blood. As a new member, we know that we can count on you to be faithful each week.

Second... Dedication
Anything that ceases to move becomes stagnant. Christians too must guard against any slackness in spiritual growth. As we pray and read God's word daily, we grow and mature as Christians and become more dedicated to the things of God.

Third... Helping to Bear the Load
Along with many facets of interest and education, which our church offers to young and old alike, each of us must bear a portion of the burden in work and giving. As you use your talents and abilities in God's service, He will bless you and us.